We are featuring Allis Chalmers and Rumely Tractors and related equipment.
For engines, we are featuring Orphan and Oddballs.
The Lawn & Garden Tractor EXTRAVAGANZA will be bigger and better with exciting new activities!
Flea Market, Blacksmith Demonstration, Sawmill, Shingle Mill, Quilting, Farm Toy Show, Model A Fords, Rock Crusher, Gas Engines, Lawn & Garden Tractors, Farm Tractors, Steam Engines, and big engines in the Machinery building.
8:00 am-5:00 pm Consignment “For Sale” Area (#4)
8:00 am Opening Ceremony – SIAM Building (#16)
8:15 am-7:00 pm Antique Machinery in Action
9:00 am-4:00 pm Youth Junction (new feature) and Barrel Train Rides
10:00 am Parade of Power – (Asphalt Road circle)
12:00 noon Noon whistles!
12:00 pm-6:00 pm Toy Show (#3)
1:00 pm Parade of Power – Asphalt Road circle)
6:00 pm-9:00 pm Pro & Stock Garden Tractor Pull - Grandstand Arena (#14)
8:30 pm Steam Engine Spark Show
8:00 am-5:00 pm Consignment “For Sale” Area (#4)
8:00 am Opening Ceremony – SIAM Building (#16)
8:00 am-5:30 pm Toy Show (#3)
8:15 am-7:00 pm Antique Machinery in Action
9:00 am-4:00 pm Youth Junction (new feature) and Barrel Train Rides
10:00 am Parade of Power – (Asphalt Road, circle)
11:00 am Pedal Tractor Pulls – Lawn & Garden Tractor Headquarters (#9)
12:00 noon Noon whistles!
1:00 pm Parade of Power – (Asphalt road circle)
1:00 pm Model A Speedster Hill Climb, south of Grandstand (#14)
1:00 pm-3:00 pm Music (Kings Highway) SIAM Building (#16)
2:00 pm-4:00 pm Lawn & Garden Tractor Rodeo - Grandstand Arena (#14)
4:00 pm-6:00 pm Antique Tractor Rodeo - Grandstand Arena (#14)
8:30 pm Steam Engine Spark Show
8:00 am-2:00 pm Consignment “For Sale” Area (#4)
9:00 am Church Service – SIAM Building (#16)
9:00 am-3:00 pm Youth Junction (new feature) and Barrel Train Rides
8:00 am-2:00 pm Toy Show (#3)
10:00 am-3:00 pm Antique Machinery in Action
10:00 am Parade of Power (Asphalt road circle)
12:00 noon Noon whistles!
1:00 pm Parade of Power – (Asphalt road circle)
****All times are Approximate and Subject to Change. ****
SIAM and Lawn & Garden Magazine, thank you for coming to our show. Enjoy our Toy Show, Flea Market, Consignment Tent & all the antique displays! We hope you enjoy your visit & will come back again!
SIAM is not responsible for accidents, damages, or stolen property.
Golf Carts, UTVs, and ATVs will be charged $10 and must have liability insurance! NO golf carts or other vehicles are allowed in buildings. Thank You!
Facebook: Southern Indiana Antique Machinery